Action Rally Houston
Help Hope Rise Up: Action Rally Houston

Hope isn’t wishful thinking—it’s taking action for a better future. In a world where strife, uncertainty and hate grab headlines and inspire fear in the hearts of people across the world, hope is a balm that heals. It’s powerful. It’s critical. Hope is a radical act.

Small actions, done by caring individuals, can change the world. But where does one start? How can you get involved to make a bigger impact? Join us for The Butterfly Project Action Rally on May 24th and find out how you can be a part of this global movement promoting a more compassionate, respectful and just society.

This event is about sharing stories, bridging barriers and finding ways to be useful in a rapidly changing world—helping to spread this movement of hope spread to every dark corner hate hides in.

Through The Butterfly Project, we will give you the tools to share your own stories of hope and help you rally for change in your community.

We believe that individual action can change people’s hearts and, with that, the future.

So, whether you're interested in sharing on social media or pounding the pavement for a worthy cause, we'll have stations set up to provide you with opportunities to influence impact in your own unique way. For example, you can take the #StandWithHope pledge and share your commitment in front of our butterfly mural or you can help write partners or sign-up to volunteer in the future. You can join our sticky note brainstorming session, to contribute your thoughts for how The Butterfly Project can influence change in the future.

Or, you can simply show up and talk with others in the room. Conversation is the crux of bridging our communities for a better tomorrow, and we hope to start one on May 24th.

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